
Sunday, April 22, 2012

R is for

Real Estate.  Looking for a place to rent in Guelph.  Two observations: fucking expensive and fucking horrible.  For reals.  BORING!  It seems all apartments are in apartment buildings with non-existant kitchens, bathrooms from the 70s and they want more for a bachelor than we pay here for a two bedroom.  Fuck we could fit two of their apartments in ours.
I hate moving.  I love this place.
*Le sigh*

First day at the new Job yesterday.  I'm going to pick up about 3 shifts a week.  And I'm going to hate it. Don't laugh, don't you dare fucking laugh, but I have joined the "would you like fries with that" guild.  Fuck, I hate it already.  Boss is a cunt.  Co-workers are actually okay for the most part, but revisit the boss being a cunt, which kind of makes it impossible to enjoy a moment of work.  Oh, and customers are dicks.

Have a great fucking day.


  1. It's true Anne. I suddenly have the urge to apologize to everyone I was ever a customer to. Though with my mother working retail I think I've heard enough horror stories that I am not too bad

  2. I think everyone at some point should have to work in retail or food service, just to see what they have to put up with. I know for me it's made me a lot more patient with servers because I know a lot of the problems may be out of their control. (On the other hand it also makes me less patient with the workers who I can tell are just screwing around, because I know it makes it difficult on their co-workers and servers in general.)

  3. It does give you a look from the other side of the counter.
