
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Oh What is that God-awful smell

*Warning, really gross post*

It's in the fridge. And the freezer. It's fucking vile stench would gag a maggot. I literally threw out everything, it still smells. I washed it down with bleach. It still smells, though not as bad. Now I put that baking powder filter things in. I hope that ends the stench. I have not found the source. C is slightly pissed at the fridge purge, but there is no way I am eating anything that marinaded in the odor. I'd gag thinking about it. But then he doesn't know. He was not there at the height of disgusting late yesterday afternoon, coming home from shift and nearly threw up walking by the unopened fridge. I mean WTF?

So it still smells.  Reeks.  In fact even C was admitting he smelt it too, and his sense of smell is not as sensitive as mine.  So we spray the furniture.  The carpet.  We put CLR drain cleaner down the drain.  It's the fridge.  We pull it out.  Oh. MY. Fucking. God.  There, trapped in a downward spiral a squirrel.... a fucking squirrel, had snapped it's neck on the rungs of the fridge and it rotting corpse was cooking there in the heat and the mechanical parts.  Brown decomposition running down the fridge, or a C put it "squirrel juice".  Mmmmm,, yummy:P

   Apartment still smelling a bit, though C says it is just me.  Dude, you did not even smell it to start with.


  1. I feel as if I'm gonna chuck up..............

  2. Fuck Jamie I think I might have peed a little squirrel juice! lmao :D

    1. Yeah, that actually made me laugh through the gagging.

  3. Up comes that bag of peanut M&Ms I just ate. *dry heaves*

    1. I did try to warn you:D Yeah, dry heaves were the order of the day.

  4. LOL, I was tempted to include a picture:P
